Dienstag, 28. April 2015

Travelling the world..-Paris

This is going to be a looong blogpost. Better grab something to drink and a snack.

On saturday the 4th of April at approximately 6 o'clock we were ready to board the plane. When we arrived in Paris we expected the sun to shine and at least 15 degrees celcius.
But that wasn't going to happen. Instead there was rain, a lot of it and 3 degrees celcius.

But we wouldn't let that change our good mood. Until we had to get on a bus, walk a kilometer from a terminal to the other to get on an CDG Val (just google it) to get to the spot where the actual bus to Paris departs.

After an hour of being anxious- there were a lot of people in that bus- we finally arrived at Gare de l'Est. And let me tell you one thing- I don't complain fast but that day was just too much. I discovered that the people in Paris are nowhere near as kind as the people in London. No one asked if they could help us bring our huge suitcase down the stairs. So weak 5ft 5 me had to get it down the stairs and into the metro myself. When we then finally arrived in our hotel they told us we could check in at 3pm. At this time it was 11 am. Great. But we could leave our luggage there so that made it okay.

Thats when the first day really started.

Day 1- Arc de Triumph, Champs Elysées and Rue Rivoli

The way to the Arc de Triumph was not easy. We got off at the wrong stop and it took some time until we realized where we had to go.

But the journey was worth it. It was so much bigger than what I ever imagined. Unfortunately we couldn't go up because there was a massive queue.

The Champs Elysées was beautiful. Even though half of the shops were out of my budget I still managed to shop a little bit at Sephora, Monoprix and H&M.

After resting for a few minutes in a park we continued our journey to Rue Rivoli where we just wanted to go to Forever 21. It seemed like forever and when we finally arrived we were so exhausted that shopping in there wasn't all to great.

Originally we planned to go to the Eiffel Tower when it was dark but our feet hurt so much that we cancelled that plan. Instead we just popped out to the supermarket Monoprix and got some sweets and stuff.

 Day 2- Louvre, Notre Dame and Eiffel Tower

We decided to have a little lie in since I had kind of a twisted ankle and I wouldn't want to hink the whole time. The Louvre is beautiful from the outside and even more inside. But the queue looked huge. We expected to wait for like 2 hours but in fact it went really quick and we just had to wait for like 45 minutes. Since we are under 26 and european (germans) we didn't have to buy a ticket and got in for free.

Of course we wanted to see the Mona Lisa but we also were interested in seeing the "Egypt antiquieties" and "Medieval Louvre". But we were really disappointed in the mummy. Idk we expected it to be a little more scary. But nevertheless it was a great experience seeing all those old things that have been on this earth for centuries.

After that we went to Notre Dame but because it was easter sunday everything was quite well vistied so we couldn't go inside the church. But I've seen it already so it wasn't to bad.

Then we got on a train to the Eiffel Tower. I've already seen it but it was still stunning and overwhelming. Especially when your standing beneath it. We also wanted to see it from this big platform called Place de Varsovie or something like that. The half of it is being renovated so all these people stood so close together I couldn't bare it. Thats why there is no good picture of me in front of the Eiffel Tower- great.

We decided to drive back to the hotel and come back later when it's dark. When we left the hotel later that day to see the Eiffel Tower twinkle (which it does every full hour) we underestimated the time.
Fortunately we got off at the wrong stop again. I say fortunately because we discovered a beautiful street, just like you imagine Paris streets to be like. And we wandered around the Seine trying to kill time.

When we finally arrived at the spot we wanted to be at when all the lights go on we realized how freaking cold it was. Because we just walked, ran and jumped the whole time we didn't really notice. But sitting on a bench at nighttime in the wind- we felt like we were in Siberia or something.

Day 3- Disneyland

The alarm went off at 6:45 am. I'll just let that  sink in for a moment. We were on holiday and got up at 6:45!! But I didn't mind since Disneyland is my most favorite place to be in the whole world. I was excited since the moment my eyes opend. This time everything worked well. We immediately found the right gate and got on the train to the happiest place in the world.
Since I've made a lot of memories at Disneyland little happy tears were shed. I was just so happy to be there. I could ramble on about it for hours but I won't. Maybe I'll write a seperate blogpost just about Disneyland.

Let me just say that it was amazing and I can't wait to be back (hopefully) soon.

Day 4- Flying Home

We slept until 10 o'clock because we were so exhausted from the last few days. After we checked out of the hotel we went back to the Champs Elysées to return two items I've bought. Then we grabbed a snack (I literally just ate wraps the whole time we were in Paris) and sat down in a park.
After a long bus journey we arrived at the airport and had two hours to spent. Thankfully there was free wifi.

All in all the short trip to Paris was amazing and I've made some good memories.
Paris, à bientôt!