Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2014

25 questions to answer..

-25 questions answered-

So everyone who reads get to know me a bit better :)

What was favourite subject at school?: English and Art

What is your middle name?: I don't have one :(
What is your favourite drink?: Just water
What is your favourite song at the moment?: 'I will never let you down' by Rita Ora
What is your favourite food?: Pizza and spaghetti carbonara :3
What is the last thing you bought?: A lipstick
Favourite book of all time?: Probably  'The gardella vampire chronicles' series
Favourite Colour?: Pink- such a girl
Do you have any pets?: Unfortunately no, I used to have guinea pigs
Favourite Perfume?: Beyonce Heat
Favourite Holiday?: Every single time I went to Disneyland Paris
Are you married?: Not yet :D
Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: More than 20 times
Do you speak any other language?: A tiny bit of french, german(native language) and english
How many siblings do you have?: One brother named Jaime 
What is your favourite shop?: H&M and Primark
Favourite restaurant?: I don't have one- but greek restaurants are my favourite
When was the last time you cried?: A week ago or so
Favourite Blog?: Zoella and SprinkleofGlitter
Favourite Movie?: The notebook and Insidious
Favourite TV show?: Now I'm addicted to TV shows so I have a few- Gossip Girl,Vampire Diaries,PLL and Once upon a time
PC or Mac?: PC
What phone do you have?: Huawei Ascend P1
Can you cook?: A little bit
And last but not least
How tall are you?: 5ft 5

Hope you enjoyed this little entry, I will soon do a blogpost about my favourite summer outfits :)

Byeee xx :)

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