Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2014

The psychotic bitch..

I love The Vampire Diaries and I absolutely adore the role of Katherine Pierce.
She is stunning and so strong and just amazing and thats why I decided to do an Get ready with me inspired by her.

Hope you like it :)

Donnerstag, 20. November 2014

Simple Hairstyles :)

I made a video about six simple hairstyles :)

These are great if you're in a rush or just don't know what to do with your hair.

Hope you like it :)

Montag, 29. September 2014

Autumn Lookbook 2014♥

Autumn is my favorite season..
It's still not cold, but cold enough to wear cozy cardigans and oversized jumpers.
And to finally wear scarfs and boots.

I just really like to layer my clothes.

I will do an Autumn-Style-Blogpost soon but for now I just uploaded a lookbook 

So if you're interested to see it here is the link:


See you soon xx 

Sonntag, 24. August 2014

Travelling the world...-London

Since I've been a child I wanted to visit London...
Ever since I've seen Peter Pan to be honest

...and this year I finally did it!

Since I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety it was really hard for me to get on a plane. But I told myself the whole time that flying is still the saftest way to travel. And so I managed the flight without a panic attack.

I stayed in the 'YHA Oxfordstreet' which is a hostel but I booked a double room.
It is only one block away from the famous Oxford Street.
Pubs, cinemas, boutiques and nightlife is just around the corner.
And the popular Piccadilly Circus is also just a quick walk away.

I have to admit, the room was a bit small. But since I didn't spend a lot of time in it, I didn't mind.

The hostel offers a kitchen and a lounge to watch TV or eat your meal.
You can store your grocery in it - just mark it with your name. 
What I also really loved about the kitchen, it is pink.

I wrote a list with things I wanted to do, and wanted to see and I managed to do most of them.

1. -Oxford Street
Oxford Street was a crazy experience. I live in little old Germany and to be honest, most of the germans are not that kind in particular situations. But the british people are so nice. That's one thing I discovered whilst shopping on the Oxford Street.
Also, the shops are so much better. And I really like the 'Self Service Checkout'.
In a nutshell - I spent way too much money.

2. -London Eye
I really wanted to see Londno from above on the London Eye. But the queue was ridiculous, so I didn't go.
Also it was a bit expensive but I'm definitely planning on doing it the next time.

3. -Big Ben
Big Ben was just amazing. It was so beautiful and I was really impressed by all the details.
I could just stand there and stare forever.

4. -Piccadilly Circus
Piccadilly Circus reminded me a bit of the Time Square in New York. Obviously it's nowhere near as big but still impressive.

5. -Buckingham Palace
I'm really into history and The Royal Family so Buckingham Palace was really something I always wanted to see. I wanted to do a tour but since it was the late afternoon it was too late.
Definitely doing it the next time.

6. -Victoria's Secret, Westminster Abbey,  M&M's World And A Red Phone Box etc.
These were the things I also wanted to see but weren't my highest priority.
But I managed to see them all.
There is no VS in Germany so I got really excited when I entered the shop. So a bit money was spent.
When in London, a red phone box is a ''must-photograph'' thing on the list.

All in all the four days trip to London was amazing and something I am 100% sure I will do again.
London is just stunning and beautiful and I already miss it.

So if you consider on visiting London, definitely DO IT!

Shari ♥

Montag, 28. Juli 2014

My Favourite Lipsticks ♥

I've never been that lipstick kind of girl...
Mostly because no one in my old school wore lipstick and everyone would talk about you if you 'do not correspond to the pattern' as I like to say it. But since I'm out of school now (since 2012) I started wearing lipstick. 
And now I'm obsessed. 
In the summertime I like to wear light and bright lipsticks. In autumn and winter I tend to wear more darker colours like dark purple and plummy colours.

This blogpost is only about german brands so I'm not sure if you're able to buy them anywhere else.
But I'll try to find links.

I hope you enjoy my little collection :)

Rival de Loop Young - 25 choc mousse 

Rival de Loop - 57

Rival de Loop Young - 30 trés chic

Heidi Klum by Astor - 008 spicy

bebe young care - lip balm

Sans Soucis Lip Delight - 50 red

p2 pue color - 100 Oxford Street

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


So I'm doing another Question Tag, it's the TMI one :)

1: What are you wearing? -pink dress
2: Ever been in love? -yes
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? - yes, once
4: How tall are you? - 5ft 6
5: How much do you weigh? - 53 kilogramms
6: Any tattoos? -not yet
7: Any piercings? -no
9: Favourite show? -The originals
10: Favourite bands? -don't have one
11: Something you miss? -.Paris <3
12: Favourite song? -currently Ariana Grande 'Break Free'
13: How old are you? -18 
14: Zodiac sign? -Leo
15: Quality you look for in a partner? -humor and that he is faithful
16: Favourite Quote? -'I know what I want and I'm gonna get it' -Blair Waldorf
17: Favourite actor? -Matt Lanter and Ian Somerhalder
18: Favourite color? -lilac
19: Loud music or soft? -depends on my mood
20: Where do you go when you're sad? -to bed or to my best friend
21: How long does it take you to shower? -with washing my hair probably around 15 minutes
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? - around 50 minutes
23: Ever been in a physical fight? -not really 
24: Turn on? -good sense of humor and nice eyes 
25: Turn off? -dirty hands /nails
26: The reason I joined Youtube? - I didn't :D
27: Fears? -clowns and the dark
28: Last thing that made you cry? -Titanic for the 100th time 
29: Last time you said you loved someone? -yesterday
30: Meaning behind your Youtube Name? /
31: Last book you read? - The Gardella Chronicles
32: The book you're currently reading? /
33: Last show you watched? -90210
34: Last person you talked to? -my mother
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? -best friend
36: Favourite food? -croissant with nutella or pizza
37: Place you want to visit? -London in August and Los Angeles one day <3
38: Last place you were? - Out of the country to Bulgaria, inside the country to Hamburg 
39: Do you have a crush? -my boyfriend :D
40: Last time you kissed someone? -sunday
41: Last time you were insulted? -for jokes today but for real I can't remember
42: Favourite flavour of sweet? -milkchocolate
43: What instruments do you play? -unfortunately I can't play any instruments
44: Favourite piece of jewellery? -my necklace which I wear everyday
45: Last sport you played? -football/soccer
46: Last song you sang?  -Love is an open door
47: Favourite chat up line? - I hate chat up lines but this one is the worst: "Nice dress, it’d look good on my bedroom floor"
48: Have you ever used it? -nope
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? -today
50: Who should answer these questions next? -everyone who wants to


Sonntag, 22. Juni 2014


Sometimes we need to escape from reality and just do something we enjoy..

A few days ago I decided to take a short break from life and plans and just go out and enjoy my surrounding.

So my boyfriend and I just grabbed our cameras and off we went..

It was a really lovely, sunny day and I loved taking pictures of absolutely everything.

So here are a few pictures I took that day 

Enjoy :)

Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2014

25 questions to answer..

-25 questions answered-

So everyone who reads get to know me a bit better :)

What was favourite subject at school?: English and Art

What is your middle name?: I don't have one :(
What is your favourite drink?: Just water
What is your favourite song at the moment?: 'I will never let you down' by Rita Ora
What is your favourite food?: Pizza and spaghetti carbonara :3
What is the last thing you bought?: A lipstick
Favourite book of all time?: Probably  'The gardella vampire chronicles' series
Favourite Colour?: Pink- such a girl
Do you have any pets?: Unfortunately no, I used to have guinea pigs
Favourite Perfume?: Beyonce Heat
Favourite Holiday?: Every single time I went to Disneyland Paris
Are you married?: Not yet :D
Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: More than 20 times
Do you speak any other language?: A tiny bit of french, german(native language) and english
How many siblings do you have?: One brother named Jaime 
What is your favourite shop?: H&M and Primark
Favourite restaurant?: I don't have one- but greek restaurants are my favourite
When was the last time you cried?: A week ago or so
Favourite Blog?: Zoella and SprinkleofGlitter
Favourite Movie?: The notebook and Insidious
Favourite TV show?: Now I'm addicted to TV shows so I have a few- Gossip Girl,Vampire Diaries,PLL and Once upon a time
PC or Mac?: PC
What phone do you have?: Huawei Ascend P1
Can you cook?: A little bit
And last but not least
How tall are you?: 5ft 5

Hope you enjoyed this little entry, I will soon do a blogpost about my favourite summer outfits :)

Byeee xx :)

Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2014

Travelling the world...-Bulgaria

Travelling the world..

I always loved to travel and I want to see as much of the world as I can.
This is why I decided to make this entry. I want to write lot more about travelling and different destinations.
I also want to write about lifestyle,fashion and beauty stuff :)

But this entry is about..


I've been to Bulgaria a few times in my life now. 6 times actually.
It is a beautiful country with very nice people. The exact places I visited were Burgas, 'Sunnybeach' and Nessebar. 

The food is quite good and very cheap. You can get a whole mixed grill for like 8 pounds or something.
And a large glass of whine for 1-2 pounds.

Also you can do a LOT in Bulgaria. You can go snorkeling or parasailing above the wonderful ocean. Quadtours and discovering little villages are also an option.
The beach is beautiful and very clean. 

The bulgarian culture is also very interesting. You can see a lot of 'old-style' houses in Nessebar, a little village in the South of Bulgaria.

Steak with chips/french fries and salad 

The harbour in Nessebar

A little street in Nessebar

Hotel "Royal Beach Barcelo" which has a mall in it

Beach at the sunset

Cocktail for 3 pounds 

Hope you liked this little entry :)

A little introduction

A little introduction

As this is my first blogpost I thought a lot about what I could write about. 
I don't know if anyone will ever read something I write, but I want to try.

My name is Shari and I'm from Germany, so please excuse if my english is not complete perfect. I will write every entry in english and in german.
I'm almost 18 years old and as far as I can remember I wanted to write. I even considered to study journalism. For almost a year I thought about starting a blog but I never had the courage to really do it.

Until now.

Yesterday I watched a video from Zoella on youtube . It's called "Our Blogging Tips & Advice".
Zoe always encourages her viewers to do what they want, to start a blog or a Youtube channel if they would like to. 
So this is what I did. 

I'm not really sure what I will blog about. I reckon I will blog about whatever comes in my mind.

So let's see how this turns out